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Silence From Noosa Council

By Julia Craddock

Following on from this article in the Weekend Australian 26-27 August, Page 7.

With a pop of 4,917,750; 2,060,312 dwellings (Census ‘21) and “more than” 4,000 short-term accomodation rentals (STA), Fergus Ellis reports that Melbourne is taking action to cease whole house continuous letting and limit STA rentals to 180 days per - Weekend Australian 26-27 Aug p7.

Noosa with a pop of 56,298 has 28,566 private dwellings and more than 5,200 STA. Of those, it is believed 4,000 plus are residential dwellings i.e. not visitor resort accommodation. Believed? It has proved difficult to obtain accurate data from Noosa Council.

To date Noosa Council has refused to discuss, let alone consider banning whole house continuous STA operation.


In whose interest?

What will it take to get Noosa Council to address let alone act on this issue?

Is Noosa destined to be the Local Government area most affected by STA and the last to seek to address whole house continuous STA letting?



Editor's Note:

Do you have a view on the short term accommodation issue in Noosa? We would love to hear from you and are happy to post your contribution here anonymously. The more local stories we have the better. Please always cite sources whenever statistics are quoted. Email to:

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Aug 28, 2023

Also by Julia: This is a decision to halt whole house continuous STA use. That, to my knowledge, has never been discussed in Noosa let alone implemented.

Solution? Umpteen bridges too far and if it follows the trajectory of this LGA, maybe in 50yrs time - long after the STA thing has been and gone? I see no solution posited or pursued in this term. What is the solution?

The local law does absolutely nothing to control numbers, define location or limit usage to prevent residential homes being converted to STA. In fact the only measures Council has introduced have led to even more new STA - as they full well knew they would when they proposed and passed them.


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