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Noosa Council: Existing Rights Claims for Short Term Accommodation

"Does my property have lawful town planning rights to operate short stay letting?

A short stay letting or home hosted accommodation property must have lawful town planning rights to operate prior to gaining a local law approval. This must be demonstrated in the application.

Lawful planning rights may be through a development approval; as accepted development or accepted development subject to requirements in Noosa Plan 2020; existing use rights; or a superseded planning scheme approval. This is explained further below..........

  • Existing use rights Existing use rights applies largely to dwelling houses that were lawfully operating short term accommodation under previous planning schemes and prior to the commencement of Noosa Plan 2020 on 31 July 2020. Evidence must be provided with the application demonstrating the property has existing lawful use rights to operate short term accommodation (e.g. written advice confirming existing use rights from Council, history of past bookings prior to 31 July 2020, property management agreements etc).

  • History of past booking must be provided on the platform’s letter head (i.e. Stayz, AirBnB etc.) in pdf.

  • The bookings must be presented in a format that details the number of bookings, dates and duration of stay and number of occupants."


Editor's Note:

Do you have a view on the short term accommodation issue in Noosa? We would love to hear from you and are happy to post your contribution here anonymously. The more local stories we have, your personal experiences, the better. Please always cite sources whenever statistics are quoted. Email to:


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